Because who doesn't like free??

It blows my mind a little bit when a business still does not accept credit cards because of how easy it has become!  I've actually worked at a couple places in the past that couldn't take cards and I always got the strangest looks...or people who were just flat out angry about it. 

But really, it couldn't be much simpler, especially if you have a smart phone or tablet. I use Square to process cards. They send you a FREE card reader and their processing fees are reasonable. 2.75% for a transaction. So if someone pays me $100, the fee ends up being only $2.75. Worth it! 

And, what's even better is I have a referral link for FREE processing on your first $1,000! Feel free to use it -

So again, free card reader, free processing on a grand...pretty great deal! Oh and once you sign up, you'll get your own referral link to share to help others get free processing. Plus, for each person who uses it, you'll personally get more free processing. WIN WIN! 

After you sign up for your account and download the app, it will take you through the steps to connect your bank account so you can get paid. I'm attaching a tutorial for setting up invoicing on an iPhone.

Good luck with your business venture and I hope you're super successful and far surpass $1,000 in sales! 

Oh and side note! If you clicked on this blog from my home page, you may have noticed the awesome vintage crocheted camera purse! cards, I thought it made enough sense to use the image. But, it isn't mine, I just want a crocheted camera purse from Meemanan's shop, and if you got here from Instagram, you may have seen my adorable baby boy in the cutest newsboy outfit made by Miss Lene! You can find both of their shops on Etsy!

I love crocheted items...I can't pull it off for the life of me, but I love what people can create with yarn! And it reminds me of my grandma. No matter what we were doing, she was ALWAYS crocheting. Every car trip, card game, movie night...she had yarn and hooks and was going to town on some new project.

Do you crochet, sew, paint, or otherwise create? Share a link to your work in the comments so I can check it out! Then sign up for square and start getting paid for your hard work and talent!