Meeting in the Middle | {Hoover Family Sneak Peek}
Family SessionsAmanda Smithfamily, extended family, brothers, sisters, siblings, parents, mom, dad, arboretum, spring, may, session, photography, photographer, Iowa photographer
Welcome to Your Life, Sophie!
The Williams Family Spring Session Sneak Peek
Alisha and Joseph are Getting Married!
April Showers Bring May Flowers...and Another Anniversary Special!
AnnouncementsAmanda Smithmay, special, spring, deal, offer, book, lite, photo shoot, photographer, family
A Bond Like No Other is Mother and Son {Kristin & Leium}
Family SessionsAmanda Smitharboretum, iowa, spring, family, mom, son, kid, Family, family photographer, family pictures
It's never too early to teach your kids about their Earth
Life LatelyAmanda Smithearth day, earth, environment, planet, plant, gather, eat, arboretum, kids, family, mom, flowers
BOGO ~ Buy One Session, Gift One Free!
Going to the six months! {Kate and Vaughn}
Goodbyes are never easy
Just Grandma and Me {Donna + Lillian}
Lifestyle Sessions, Family SessionsAmanda Smithgrandma, grandchildren, grandparents, granddaughter, family, lifestyle, home, in home, iowa, winter, woman, girl, love
Torrie and Carson tied the knot and danced the night away
WeddingsAmanda Smithmilitary wedding, marine, military, wedding, bride, groom, red wedding, clinton, iowa, wedding party, bride and groom, bridesmaids, groomsmen, dancing, reception, church, ceremony