Adventurous, Affectionate, Amusing, Adorable...
...and those are just the A words I'd use to describe my baby boy! He is such an amazing (there's another one) human being already and he's only almost 2. Lincoln Kristopher is the piece of our puzzle we didn't know we were missing. He loves animals, especially his Gussy pup. He gets into everything, all day every day. He's daring, climbs things he shouldn't, explores anything he can get his hands on, but can also cuddle up with a book and be as sweet as pie.
I know we all talk about how fast it goes, wonder where the time has gone and wish to halt our kids' whirlwind childhoods. Obviously I am no different. It makes me sad to recognize how little I can remember of the last 2 years already. So many hours, so many days, get forgotten, discarded by our brains as unimportant. This is why I am so incredibly grateful for pictures. Who would I even be without them?!
My youngest son, my sweet little boy, here are some pictures that I get to hold dear of him at two years old.